St Mark’s Buderim

An Anglican Community and Parish of the Sunshine Coast,

Anglican Diocese Southern Queensland

At St Mark’s, we believe that everyone is welcome and loved by God.

Our Vision: Bringing God’s LOVE to EVERYONE

Our Mission:

  • Worship and celebrate the grace of God

  • Respond to human need by loving service

  • Transform society by pursuing peace and reconciliation

  • Care for the integrity of creation

Our Values:

  • Welcoming, being hospitable, generous and always inclusive

  • Compassionate, caring, companionable, and loving

  • Listening deeply, patiently, without judgement and with discernment

  • Learning humbly, steadily, joyfully


Parish Prayer

Loving God, we give you thanks
we can gather together,
celebrating your presence among us.

Lead us in your Way,
as we welcome, care, love, listen,
learn and serve one another.

Help us speak your truth with courage,
transforming your world through justice,
reconciliation and peace.

Help us to care for your life-giving creation, sustaining all your creatures.

We ask this through your Son,
our brother, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See our Strategic Plan here

Address: 7 Main Street, Buderim Q 4556

Service Times: 7am and 9am on Sundays, 10am on Wednesdays

Daily Offices: 8.30 am [In Church and Online Every day except Tuesday and Sunday]

8.00 pm [Online Every day except Tuesday]

Our History

St Mark’s first opened on 28 July 1917 in Buderim. The old church moved to the pony club as a gift in 1987 as the new church building was constructed. This new building was constructed in 1988 and consecrated on 25th April 1999.

St Marks Anglican Church Building 1954-1987